I took four weeks holiday over Christmas and New Year. After four weeks of disallowing anything business-related, it took time to get out of first gear. And sometimes I felt like I was in reverse.

Whilst getting back into it, my mind frequently led me astray.  I’m usually a disciplined at-home worker, but not in January. Instead of working I was clicking through on websites, checking Facebook, daydreaming or just picking a book up, opening any page and reading.

Managing the mind takes discipline. I use a few practices to keep my mind uncluttered and relaxed.

I’ve recently begun a twice daily 20 minute meditation practice. It’s not long, but comes on top of practicing QiGong for an hour most days. QiGong is the ancient Chinese art of cleansing the body’s energy and moving it through the meridians.  If you know Tai Chi then you may have heard of QiGong.

My son has just begun year 11. He tells me the next two years of high school will be very stressful. I asked if he was sure and he tells me it’s guaranteed.

This year I’m looking for a less-is-more approach around business. Less intensity but greater focus might sound contradictory. I’m ready to eliminate stress and run the business and talk to clients with the greatest clarity possible.

I hope this rubs off on my son!

Wishing you a year of greater clarity and less stress for 2015!

Here’s my first KatieMac Publicity Tips Newsletter for 2015 with tips for writing