Fear is a powerful guidance system isn’t it?

When we feel it, we use it to guide ourselves away from danger.

In our business and personal lives, fear keeps us inside the lines. It keeps us on the paths we perceive as safe and we aim to not upset anyone along our way.

I find it hard to break from fear-based conditioning. As a child, I was raised to fear the alternatives to doing what I’d been told or asked. Parents, teachers and friends warned me what would happen, if I didn’t follow the path as they instructed me or expected of me.

As if they knew.

I’ve been training myself to identify my own fear-based conditioning. It’s astonishing to stop and notice some of the core beliefs that affect my behaviour and decisions. I’m startled at some of my ingrained beliefs, previously unquestioned, that have me operating inside the lines.

In coaching business owners to authenticity and authority voice, I identify people’s fears in order to find the lines they need to break.

I have a client I call ‘the polite one.’  They wish to communicate more confidently and powerfully. They want to be more visible and reputed in their industry and market, and don’t understand why they aren’t already.

I reflected their fear of upsetting and offending others was keeping them out of authenticity and authority. They were unable to come fully into service because they’ve lacked the courage to tell the truth where it matters.

Are you afraid to tell the truth to others? Are you even afraid to tell it to yourself?

I’ve created a new name for a new kind of voice. For some time, I’ve mentored business owners into what I call Authority Voice. I also help people find their Wisdom Voice.

I’m now introducing Dangerous Voice. Dangerous Voice is created when you say the things that need to be said, even if they cross the line and disrupt the status quo.

These are things that need to be acknowledged in order for others to see what is, not what everyone imagines.

Dangerous Voice is required in your industry, your country and on our planet. Much needs to change and change-makers need to be heard.

Dangerous Voice is so-named, because before you use it, you will feel fear. The voices in your head will warn you ‘what will happen’.

As if they know.

But, and I promise this, after you use Dangerous Voice, you‘ll be exhilarated by the freedom and independence it brings.

I recently spoke on Why Your Writing Matters to the World, and ran a blogging workshop, at my son’s high school. I shared stories about people whose courageous writing had inspired me.

Each teenager in my blogging workshop chose an issue they wanted to impact. Most sat with friends. One youth sat alone, working quietly. After they’d written their blogs, I asked each person to share their subject. One had written about climate change, one on animal cruelty and another on the lack women in power.

The quiet youth paused a moment before answering. Then he said, “I wrote about bullying and lack of acceptance of transgender kids in school.”

In that moment, I realised I had known this boy, as a girl, in primary school.  I was utterly moved by his courage and articulation in the workshop.

This morning I renamed my upcoming business blogging workshop, The Dangerous Blog Workshop. 

I welcome anyone who feels they are playing small and is called to step up and be seen. If you are already blogging and not receiving traction or if you’re ready to step up and be seen in your industry, in your country or on the planet, please come. If you don’t, but know somebody who is, please share this with them.

Fear is a powerful guidance system isn’t it?

When we feel it, we use it to guide ourselves away from danger.

In our business and personal lives, fear keeps us inside the lines. It keeps us on the paths we perceive as safe and we aim to not upset anyone along our way. 

I find it hard to break from fear-based conditioning. As a child, I was raised to fear the alternatives to doing what I’d been told or asked. Parents, teachers and friends warned me what would happen, if I didn’t follow the path as they instructed me or expected of me.

As if they knew.

I’ve been training myself to identify my own fear-based conditioning. It’s astonishing to stop and notice some of the core beliefs that affect my behaviour and decisions. I’m startled at some of my ingrained beliefs, previously unquestioned, that have me operating inside the lines.

In coaching business owners to authenticity and authority voice, I identify people’s fears in order to find the lines they need to break.

I have a client I call ‘the polite one.’ They wish to communicate more confidently and powerfully. They want to be more visible and reputed in their industry and market, and don’t understand why they aren’t already.

I reflected their fear of upsetting and offending others was keeping them out of authenticity and authority. They were unable to come fully into service because they've lacked the courage to tell the truth where it matters.

Are you afraid to tell the truth to others? Are you even afraid to tell it to yourself?

I’ve created a new name for a new kind of voice. For some time, I’ve mentored business owners into what I call Authority Voice. I also help people find their Wisdom Voice.

I’m now introducing Dangerous Voice. Dangerous Voice is created when you say the things that need to be said, even if they cross the line and disrupt the status quo. 

These are things that need to be acknowledged in order for others to see what is, not what everyone imagines. 

Dangerous Voice is required in your industry, your country and on our planet. Much needs to change and change-makers need to be heard.

Dangerous Voice is so-named, because before you use it, you will feel fear. The voices in your head will warn you 'what will happen'.

As if they know.

But, and I promise this, after you use Dangerous Voice, you‘ll be exhilarated by the freedom and independence it brings. 

I recently spoke on Why Your Writing Matters to the World, and ran a blogging workshop, at my son’s high school. I shared stories about people whose courageous writing had inspired me.  

Each teenager in my blogging workshop chose an issue they wanted to impact. Most sat with friends. One youth sat alone, working quietly. After they’d written their blogs, I asked each person to share their subject. One had written about climate change, one on animal cruelty and another on the lack women in power.

The quiet youth paused a moment before answering. Then he said, “I wrote about bullying and lack of acceptance of transgender kids in school.”

In that moment, I realised I had known this boy, as a girl, in primary school. I was utterly moved by his courage and articulation in the workshop.

This morning I renamed my upcoming business blogging workshop, The Dangerous Blog Workshop. 

I welcome anyone who feels they are playing small and is called to step up and be seen. If you are already blogging and not receiving traction or if you’re ready to step up and be seen in your industry, in your country or on the planet, please come. If you don’t, but know somebody who is, please share this with them.

Postscript (Nov 2018):

This blog was written in June 2015. Hundreds of people have now attended The Dangerous Blogging workshop this student inspired. The cause of authentic and courageous writing does not have boundaries of sexuality, gender, income or influence. As business owners, let’s reflect today on how we support transgender people within and without our enterprises.  Today is Transgender Remembrance Day. Katie McMurray, November 20, 2018. (The info below appeared with the original blog post.)

The event details are here