My Facebook page is part class reunion, part family get-together. Some days it’s a therapy couch, others it’s a podium. I’ve found friends I thought would forget me and befriended strangers. My clients mix it with my mum and mum mixes it with everyone.”
Facebook just sent me a private post. You’ve made 900 friends on Facebook! Thank you for bringing the world closer together. We think that is something to celebrate.”
There is a problem with women living and speaking from outside the box.
Growing up in Brisbane in the 1970′s, very few roles were modeled for girls. Our river-bound suburb filled with brand new blonde brick homes, and the homes filled with babies. Apart from school teachers, check-out ladies and the woman next door who ran a ballet school, women didn’t work.
The Dangerous Blogger Workshop for Business Owners
Are you afraid of staying invisible forever?
You’ve poured your blood, sweat and tears into your business, but your competitors are better known than you are.
You can build the reputation you deserve. How? By discovering your “Dangerous Voice”.
What is your ‘Dangerous Voice’?